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Give Hope

Your donation will help us continue to renew and strengthen marriages and families through the power of the Gospel.

Thank you for partnering with us a through a recurring or one-time gift!

Other Ways to Give

Stock and Securities
Gifts of stocks, bonds, mutual funds, or other appreciated assets are a strategic way to support 2Restored while securing tax benefits to maximize your support. By donating these assets to 2Restored, you can avoid capital gain taxes that would be required if you sold them. ​

Donor-Advised Funds
A Donor Advised Fund allows you to make charitable contributions, receive an immediate tax benefit, and then recommend distributions from the fund over time.

IRA Distributions
If you’re 70-1/2 or older, you can donate up to $100,000 per tax year directly from an Individual Retirement Account (IRA) to 2Restored. A qualified charitable distribution (QCD) is a distribution from an IRA directly to an eligible charity, bypassing the owner of the account so he’s not taxed on it. QCDs count toward your required minimum distribution for the year. If you’d like to make a QCD gift, your financial institution should make the check out to “2Restored” and identify you as the donor by name and address.

Thank YOU for supporting 2Restored!

2Restored is an IRS tax-exempt organization as described in Section 501(c)3.
For more information or assistance with a gift, please contact ​info@2restored.com.
